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  •   ati pao-4

      product name: ati pao-4

      product use: filter testing

      weight:5 gallons

      substance: 1-decene, tetramer mixed with 1-decene

      cas# 68649-12-7

      % by weight: 100%

      ati offers the highest quality, industry-standard oil reagents for use in conjunction with oil aerosol generators. our reagents are used for in situ leakage testing and production quality control efficiency testing of high efficiency air filters. ati oil aerosol reagent products are suitable for government, nuclear, and fda-regulated testing applications.

      work practices: use only in well ventilated areas. keep containers tightly closed and keep away from heat and open flames.

      storage: store in closed containers in a cool, dry well ventilated area. maintain closure of bungs. store at temperatures between 4oc(40°f and 49℃(120°f).do not reuse container. avoid container damage while storing.

      shelf lifethe original manufacturer's stated shelf life for 4 cst pao (ati pao-4) is three (3) years in the original, sealed and unopened container.the shelf life of an open container, that is tightly sealed between uses, is one (1) year.

      physical/chemical characteristics

      physical deion:

      clear, colorless, odorless liquid.

      ph: n/a

      vapor pressure @ 20℃: <0.1 psi @ 200of

      vapor density: n/a

      boiling point: 754of(401℃)

      flash point: 432of (222℃)

      freezing point: <-40of (<-40℃)

      solubility: soluble in hydrocarbon solvents; insoluble in water.

      specific gravity:0.819 @ 60 of

      viscosity:16 cst @ 40℃

      pour point: -73℃(-100of)

      flammable limits in air % by volume: n/a

      auto-ignition temperature: uel: n/a lel: n/ a

      first aid measures :

      eyes: flush with large amounts of cold water for at least 15 minutes. do not let victim rub eyes. if irritation develops, contact a physician immediately.

      skin: wash affected area with soap and water.

      inhalation: if inhaled, move to fresh air. if breathing is difficult, administer artificial respiration preferably mouth to mouth. contact a physician immediately.

      ingestion: do not induce vomiting. if victim is conscious and able to swallow, promptly have victim drink water to dilute. do not give sodium bicarbonate, fruit juices or vinegar. never give anything by mouth if victim is unconscious or having convulsions. contact a physician immediately.

    品牌 ATI 气溶胶
    价格: ¥6500元
    型号 ATI PAO-4
    原产地 美国
    产品数量 99
    产品关键字: ATI高效检漏仪油
    所属行业 气动工具油
    发布时间 2024/11/28 17:36:28



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